TV Psychologist

Celebrities are a self-selected group of narcissists. Whereas it is certainly true that some individuals decide to pursue acting or singing careers for the pure love of the artistic forms in question, the great majority of celebrity wannabes are largely driven by the outcomes (e.g., fame, money, adulation). A recent study by S. Mark Young and Drew Pinsky supports the contention that celebrities are narcissists. The extraordinary attention that is lavished on celebrities (not to mention the outlandish sums of money) makes it easy to succumb to one’s hype. People line up for hours to get a glimpse of Simon Cowell coming out of his limousine, and will scream with visceral religious fervour at his mere sight. Take a narcissist, and feed his or her ego in such a manner twenty-four hours a day, and it is not difficult to guess that Simon or David Band Victoria Beckham starts to actually believe that they are superheros (rather than playing one in the movies).

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