How I Learned to Deal With Stress

I understood that I had to make some changes to my life when I began getting panic attacks. After being taken to the emergency room and taken a look at, the medical professionals were sure that my heart was in great condition and that I had been having a panic attack.

To me, it felt much, much even worse than a panic attack, which constantly seemed to me as if that was for individuals who were nervous individuals. A couple of weeks later on I began having the exact same signs and consulting with my own physician, and he said the exact same thing. I couldn't comprehend what I was hearing. When he provided me a prescription for anxiety medication I chose not to take it as I wanted to see how I could get on by myself without taking tablets. I wanted to fully understand exactly what was going on.

The first thing I did was to give up coffee and anything else with caffeine. That was one of the hardest things I have actually had to do in my life, and I still miss it. I did some reading and found information that recommended that, while it probably wasn't causing my panic attacks, it was definitely making my anxiety even worse. I do feel much calmer now since I stopped drinking coffee.

Next, I stopped hanging around unhealthy people. I knew a lot of unhealthy and toxic people at my job. No-one truly liked the work we did, so it was easy to be negative, nasty and sarcastic, which is exactly what most people did. I realised that if I wished to stop feeling so stressed out that I had to hang around people who weren't as unlikable as the stress they were going through. Some work colleagues didn't understand why I was distancing myself, but I absolutely am glad I did keep my distance.

I tried doing a lot of different things. The only thing that seems to help me is guided meditation. I discovered that if I meditate in the morning that I feel much better in the morning, which has the positive effect of getting more things done.

I also started exercising so I could reduce the stress in my life. Not too much, simply a few days a week of light workouts in the local gym.

I'm taking steps to leave my job today, as a matter of fact. While I'm feeling much better, that will most likely do the trick. As I pointed out, I do not like my work at all, and I can now see that it is making me ill. I can constantly find another suitable job without being surrounded by toxic people.

I understand that I still have some work to do, however, because making the above changes I feel better with my life.


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